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 Can this work?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Leslie Posted - 23 Jul 2004 : 04:07:43
I found this lovely little proggy on the net, and I tried making it work with Dynamic HTML Editor, but I had no success. I would like to ask S.Dav if it is possible to make it work. If so, how to go about it. This is the link:
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
s.dav Posted - 24 Jul 2004 : 10:39:20
I'll watch these programs then I'll give you an answer ;-)
Leslie Posted - 23 Jul 2004 : 20:49:26
Thx jrwebb01, I'll give Powerbullet a shot.
jrwebb01 Posted - 23 Jul 2004 : 13:47:13

Yes. This program "Isaac" is a visual design tool to produce java and GIF animations for the web. These animations could easily be inserted into Dynamic HTML Editor pages using the HTML object, or the image object. Please consult the Isaac user documentation for producing the HTML code for your animation, then simply cut and paste that code into a Dynamic HTML Editor HTML object.

If you would like some help on doing that, let us know.

Hope this helps. Good luck.


PS - IF you like those sorts of animations on web pages, there is an even better freeware tool (in my opinion) for animations. Its called Powerbullet and it produces simple flash animations very easily, which may also be easily inserted into Dynamic HTML Editor pages using the HTML object. The URL is http://powerbullet.com

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