Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsCommonWrapper.DrawLine Method

Draws a line on the specified Device Context using the given color

Public Sub DrawLine (ByVal lHdc As Long, _
ByRef r As RECT, _
ByVal lForeColor As Long, _
Optional ByVal iLineWidth As Integer = 1, _
Optional ByVal PsPen As eCtlLineStyle = CTL_PS_SOLID)
Parameter Description
ByVal lHdc As Long The destination Device Context
ByRef r As RECT The rectangle coords
ByVal lForeColor As Long The foreground color
Optional ByVal iLineWidth As Integer = 1 The width of the line in pixels
Optional ByVal PsPen As eCtlLineStyle = CTL_PS_SOLID A combination of pen flags