Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniStatusBar.AddPanel2 Method

Adds a panel to the status bar, you need to add at least a panel in order to use this control

Public Sub AddPanel2 (Optional ByVal bHasBorder As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal lMinWidth As Long = 0, _
Optional ByVal sKey As String = "", _
Optional ByVal bAdapt As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal iAlign As eUniLabel_TextAlign = [UniLabel Align Left], _
Optional ByVal sText As String = "", _
Optional ByVal iStyle As eUniStatusBar_Style = eusbs_standard, _
Optional ByRef oPic As StdPicture = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal bPicTransparent As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal bPicGrayed As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal lPicXTransp As Long = -1&, _
Optional ByVal lPicYTransp As Long = -1&, _
Optional ByVal lPicTranspColor As Long = -1&, _
Optional ByVal bRightToLeft As Boolean = False)
Parameter Description
Optional ByVal bHasBorder As Boolean = True Draws a border around this panel?
Optional ByVal lMinWidth As Long = 0 The minimum width of this panel
Optional ByVal sKey As String = "" The panel key
Optional ByVal bAdapt As Boolean = False Pass True for let the panel auto adapt the size to its content
Optional ByVal iAlign As eUniLabel_TextAlign = [UniLabel Align Left] Text alignment for the panel
Optional ByVal sText As String = "" The panel text content
Optional ByVal iStyle As eUniStatusBar_Style = eusbs_standard The panel style
Optional ByRef oPic As StdPicture = Nothing The panel picture
Optional ByVal bPicTransparent As Boolean = False Is the picture transparent?
Optional ByVal bPicGrayed As Boolean = False Is the picture disabled?
Optional ByVal lPicXTransp As Long = -1& The X coord of the picture transparent color
Optional ByVal lPicYTransp As Long = -1& The Y coord of the picture transparent color
Optional ByVal lPicTranspColor As Long = -1& The color to treat as transparent
Optional ByVal bRightToLeft As Boolean = False RTL support for the panel