Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniRichTextBoxXP.AutoURLDetect Property

If automatic URL detection is enabled, the rich edit control scans any modified text to determine whether the text matches the format of a URL. The control detects URLs that begin with the following prefixes:
http: file: mailto: ftp: https: gopher: nntp: prospero: telnet: news: wais:
The control highlights the URL string by underlining it and setting the text color.

Public Property Get AutoURLDetect () As Boolean
Public Property Let AutoURLDetect (ByVal bState As Boolean)
Parameter Description
ByVal bState As Boolean The new value
When automatic URL detection is enabled, the rich edit control removes the Link effect from modified text that does not have a URL format recognized by the control. If your application uses the Link effect to mark other types of text, do not enable automatic URL detection.
A rich edit control sends an event notification when it receives various messages while the mouse pointer is over text that has the Link effect, works starting from RichEdit 2.0