Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsCommDialogs.ShowFontEx Function

Creates a Font dialog box that enables the user to choose attributes for a logical font. These attributes include a font family and associated font style, a point size, effects (underline, strikeout, and text color), and a script (or character set).
Each parameter of this function is in [IN/OUT]

Public Function ShowFontEx (ByRef CurFont As Font, _
Optional ByRef PrinterDC As Long = -1, _
Optional ByRef Owner As Long = -1, _
Optional ByRef Color As Long = vbBlack, _
Optional ByRef MinSize As Long = 0, _
Optional ByRef maxSize As Long = 0, _
Optional ByRef Flags As eChooseFont = 0) As Boolean
Parameter Description
ByRef CurFont As Font Font information [IN/OUT]
Optional ByRef PrinterDC As Long = -1
Optional ByRef Owner As Long = -1 A handle to the window that owns the dialog box. This member can be any valid window handle, or it can be NULL if the dialog box has no owner.
Optional ByRef Color As Long = vbBlack Specifies the initial text color; adds the CF_EFFECTS flag
Optional ByRef MinSize As Long = 0 The minimum point size a user can select; adds the CF_LIMITSIZE flag
Optional ByRef maxSize As Long = 0 The maximum point size a user can select; adds the CF_LIMITSIZE flag
Optional ByRef Flags As eChooseFont = 0 A combination of [eChooseFont] values.
This code will show the font dialog for the current form
moCommonDialog.ShowFontEx Me.Font