Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

clsBase64 Class

Utility class for encoding/decoding Base 64 data

Name Description
Name Description
Name Type Description
Name Type Description
AnsiStr2ByteArray Gets a byte array from a string managed as it was Ansi (1 byte for char)
ByteArray2AnsiStr (String) Gets an Ansi string from a byte array
ByteArray2UnicodeStr (String) Gets an Unicode string from a byte array
DecodeB64 Decodes previously encoded data returning a byte array
DecodeB64f (Byte()) Decodes previously encoded data returning a byte array
EncodeB64 Encodes an array of bytes and returns the result to aDataOut
EncodeB64f (Byte()) Encodes an array of bytes
GetDecodedB64String (String) Decodes a previously encoded B64 string
GetEncodedB64String (String) Returns a B64 string from the given string
Span (String) Splits the B64 string in more lines and returns the result
UnicodeStr2ByteArray Gets a byte array from a string managed as Unicode (2 bytes for char)
Unspan Removes NewLines chars from the B64 string, automatically called before decoding